Imagine having time alone every morning while still getting the sleep your body craves.

Wouldn't that be nice!

An hour (or more) every morning to be in the Word of God, plan the day, exercise, enjoy an old hobby, read...

An hour alone to help you be more patient and intentional with your kids, and even increase your confidence and self-esteem.

"That all sounds good, but with everything going on in my life, I just don't see how that's possible"

I know how you feel, because re-adjusting and restructuring your life to get the sleep you need and the time alone you crave feels impossible right now!

It's so easy to feel helpless in making any real changes when the day-to-day chaos zaps all your energy.

You've tried and tried to get to bed sooner so that an early morning is possible.

It doesn't often happen. And there are plenty of reasons why:

  • There's always to many dishes to wash, kids to play with it, laundry to fold, and returns to package + ship to Amazon - an earlier bedtime feels impossible.

  • Even when that alarm does go off, the sheets feel too soft, your eyes feel too heavy, and what's one more day sleeping in a little longer? Right?

  • The change feels so daunting! There are too many reasons why a relaxing nighttime and morning routine won't work for you right now.

  • Why get up before the kids anyway? Is it really worth all the effort?

Other people make it look easy. Yet, it's not quite working.

But you're not alone. A lot of mamas are in the exact same spot.

The truth is, having a consistent early morning routine is a game changer - one that will give you life-giving time alone with your Creator, help you build better daily routines, and even increase your confidence and self-esteem.

The problem?

  • too many responsibilities on your plate with not enough time in the day,

  • lack of motivation to get out of bed when the alarm goes off,

  • and your very real need for MORE sleep

make getting time alone before the kids get up more trouble than it's worth.

But what if I told you there was a way to get the most important things done, get better sleep, and rise before anyone else in your house?

Hi, I'm Kelsey

And I want to help you make waking up before the kids easier, once and for all. 

All I ever dreamed of was being a mom at home with my kids. It didn't take me long to see that I craved something else. 

  • I craved time alone. 
  • I craved more mental clarity.
  • I craved a creative challenge. 
  • I craved adult connection. 
  • I craved (and needed) a deeper connection with God

I knew I needed some time alone, to focus on God, to work on some creative projects, to prepare myself for a day with little ones. 

So I started waking up before the sun, before my spouse, and before my kids. And I'm here to show you that it is not as daunting as it sounds. 

What if you could:

  • Build routines and rhythms that help you get what matters most to you DONE, so that you can enjoy quiet evenings once the kids are down.

  • Master better habits and take control of your day instead of running around like a hamster on a wheel.

  • Increase your confidence and self-esteem with just a few simple adjustments to your life.

  • Welcome your kids to the morning with genuine joy, as opposed to grumpy irritation.

  • Quit staying up too late and start going to bed on time and get the sleep your body is craving.

  • Learn tips and tricks to actually get your butt out of bed! Instead of getting stuck in the snooze slapping cycle...

Introducing: The Early Bird Mama Program

The course that'll help you finally start and stick with an early morning routine.

The Early Bird Mama Program is practical, and it's designed to help you build a morning routine you'll love, so that you can:

  • spend time, every day, in God's Word
  • start the day in quiet and peace
  • take time to do things you love
  • welcome your kids to the morning with increased confidence and a smile

The Early Bird Mama Program was originally created to help stay-at-home moms (like me!) finally master the habit of rising early. Because I know that having that time alone in the morning is crucial to being the patient, kind, and confident mama you know you want to be.

This program is not just about an early start to the day. It's about creating life-giving rhythms, routines, and habits. 

This program is about self-care - the unselfish kind of self-care that requires discipline and habit building, but leaves you feeling more open, patient, loving, confident and ready to conquer the day.

Morning Mindset Matters

The truth is, getting up early just isn't going to happen on a consistent, regular basis unless you believe you can change your habits. I'll show you how to change any habit and help you understand what will get you out of bed even when everything in you wants to stay under the covers.

Your Perfect Morning

You'll walk through the 5 building blocks of your perfect morning routine, and figure out exactly what to do, how to do it, and what YOUR ideal morning routine can look like. Then you'll learn how to be consistent with your early morning. 

All About Routines

The rhythm of your day and night directly impacts your early morning routine. I'll help you put together day and night time routines that'll make getting up before the kids easier. It's time to structure your day so that you can get some rest in the evening - all the while still getting to bed sooner and getting good quality sleep at night.  

Putting the Pieces Together

You'll get practical tips to getting out of bed with the alarm, and we'll look back at what you've learned and make sure all the pieces are in the right place. 

Here's what's inside:

Available in days
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  Module 1: Morning Mindset Matters
Available in days
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  Module 2: Your Perfect Morning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: All About Routines
Available in days
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  Module 4: Putting the Pieces Together
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  All course PDF's and workbooks
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Available in days
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  Early Bird Mama eBook!
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You've tried to do it on your own - but you don't have to do it alone.

Now is the time, mama. It's time to make a change.